The main objective of the Conference is to provide an improved
up-to-date understanding of the fundamentals, principles and practices
associated with the design and operation of industrial furnaces and boilers
and, from a broader perspective, of industrial systems and processes
generating, transforming or using thermal energy from combustion.
Conference will be a means of disseminating information concerned with recent
research and development activities in the field of furnace and boiler
technology and related areas, such as process and combustion control,
efficiency optimisation of high-temperature energy application, and reduction
of pollutant emissions. It is intended that carbon-neutral fuels such as biomass,
hydrogen or ammonia but also alternative fuels, like refuse derived fuels and
production residues will feature in the Conference programme. The Conference
will provide a forum for delegates involved in research, development, design
and operation of furnace and boiler systems, and will also be of interest to
those working in areas such as combustion science, fuel technology, energy
management and air pollution control.
Each session of the Conference Programme will commence with at least one
Keynote Presentation, which will be delivered by an invited internationally
recognised authority in their respective fields. All papers will be refereed
prior to the final acceptance. As in previous Conferences it is intended that
these papers will cover a wide range of appropriate technical topics and will
feature recent research and development as well as dealing with practical
applications of current technologies. The allocation of papers to sessions will
be undertaken by the Organizing Committee in cooperation with the panel of
referees. Selected papers will additionally be published in specials issues of the
journals Fuel and Thermal Sciences and Engineering Progress.
Whilst the detailed range of technical topics, which will be covered, will depend on the accepted papers, contributions are invited in any fundamental and applied area of interest in furnace and boiler technology, including:
Carbon neutral processes
- Use of alternative fuels: hydrogen, biomass, ammonia, metals fuels
- Carbon capture and usage;
- Oxy-fuel and oxygen-enhanced combustion
- Electrification
- Convective and radiative heat transfer in furnaces and boilers
- Pollutant formation and reduction, NOx, SOx, dust, heavy metals,
- Mathematical modelling of industrial processes and plant systems;
- Simulation and modelling of fundamental processes in gaseous, liquid and solid fuel combustion;
- Advanced power generation, including combined generation of process heat and electricity;
- Recovery of waste heat from flue gases of process heaters, boilers and incineration plants;
- Novel heating strategies and techniques in industrial high-temperature processes;
- Incineration and gasification of fuels and wastes;
- Fixed bed, fluidised bed and pulverised suspended combustion of solid fuels;
Design and Operation
- Technical design and efficient, economic operation of furnaces and boilers;
- Burner design concepts for gaseous, liquid and pulverised solid fuels;
- Furnace refractories, and refractory lining design for combustion chambers;
- Condition monitoring, advanced measurement technologies and innovative control strategies for boilers and furnaces; safety
- Field reports on boiler and furnace commissioning and operation.