Thermochemical Recycling of Plastics
Plastic pollution is a global problem. The United Nations state that 7 billion of the 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic produced from 1950-2017 became plastic waste, ending up in landfills. Hence, recycling is an urgent need and has, therefore, be set in the form of thermochemical recycling as a special thematic topic for INFUB 14.


The 15th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers is the latest in a series of very successful Conferences, which have been held in Portugal since 1988. These Conferences have been attended by delegates from over 30 countries and around 90 papers have been presented at each Conference. In particular, the Conferences have attracted many participants from Industry and the wide range of papers have considered fundamental research as well as topics of a more practical and applied nature.

Note that selected papers from the conference proceedings will be published in special issues of the journals Fuel or Thermal Sciences and Engineering Progress. These papers will be selected after the conference and the authors will be informed separately.


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